Yes I date 'em

□_ヾ(・_・ )

Kartika or Tika.
Spent most time in front of her netbook.
Things she's good at: Downloading - fangirling.
I ain't God so I'm not perfect human being.
and I hold grudge, like the girl in the movie
-That's me. Nice to meet you

Time is ticking time time is ticking away

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“Absolute Fangirl”
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Current Playlist ♥~
Monday, February 22, 2010 || 9:17 PM

My Current Playlist ♥~:

and a very very good quote from my lecture at 산문 class today:
이생에 3번의 기회가 있다. (there are 3 chances in life)
1) Orang bodoh membuang kesempatan
2) Orang biasa membiarkan kesempatan
3) Orang bijak mengambil kesempatan
as he was teasing us who didn't want to take the chance for looking up at the vocabulary
열심히 하겠습니다, 신 선생님....

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IDK I just NEED to write
Saturday, February 20, 2010 || 11:05 AM

Dear my parents,

I know that you care for me.
I know that you love(?) me
I know that you treasure me as your child
But can't you just letting me go now?

I'm already 20 and I can take care of myself.
I already understand how to differentiate which one is good and which one is bad.
I just can't take this your overprotective strict rules for me.
I'm getting sick of this.

Should I start my rebellion??


I Miss my old hobbies~~
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 || 11:03 PM

I want to write again. Another ff/story. I used to love this activity.
Sekarang gue ngerasa otak gue udah gak bener2 jalan lagi...
Gue rasa gue kebanyakan nonton video dan otak gue jadi mampet gara-gara itu.
Gue mau baca buku lagi yang banyak, entah itu novel, komik, atau apalah. 
Gue butuh menikmati acara membaca buku, gue mau menghidupkan otak gue lagi. 
Hmm... gue ingin otak gue jalan lagi buat ngarang cerita dan mampu berkutat berjam-jam sama Microsoft Word dengan ide-ide yang berloncatan di dalam kepala gue. 
Oke, kayaknya akhir minggu ini harus cobain jalan ke Gramedia/TM.

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