□_ヾ(・_・ ) Kartika or Tika.
Spent most time in front of her netbook.
Things she's good at: Downloading - fangirling.
I ain't God so I'm not perfect human being.
and I hold grudge, like the girl in the movie
-That's me. Nice to meet you
My fave couple from WGM S2! *Sumpah gw iseng banget nge-post beginian! -,-
Tapi ya gpplah, secara fave couple + photoshootnya juga di negeri sendiri.. +넘 예뻐서 ㅋㅋㅋ
1st Batch : Cute Casual
2nd Batch : Romantic Fun
3rd Batch: Sexy Elegant
Misc & Behind the Scenes
For and From Adams' 아담에게 아담을 위해
Sumbernya dari scan-an majalah InStyle Wedding terbitan Korea ya... Gw ngambil di Naver
dan masya allah... gue demen banget deh sama si Kwon. Sehari2 sih biasanya 'kkap', tapi ada manly-nya juga dia. Dan ya Allah.. Kwonnie akflsfnksdferkfsdngvd dah badannya. >o< Gue ampe tarik napas pas pertama x liat fotonya. Udah nikah aja lu ma Ga-in gue ridho banget, Kwon~~~!! ^^